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RSVP System

An Open Source Drupal project focused on building advance reservation systems.

RSVP System / Recipe Cookbook

A Composer project that holds the RSVP System Recipes, ECA workflow models, example data and documentation. Recipes are applied to provide site configurations and sample content.

Provided by the RSVP System Recipe:

  • Workflow Models: ECA models for form validation, moderation, content tagging and data retention.
  • This Documentation: Doucmentation, stored in Markdown format, is managed within the recipe project. Changes to the documentation repository are convered from Markdown (.md) to HTML and served via a Gitlab build process. Documentation is updated real-time as commits are pushed into the repository.

RSVP System / Drupal Module

A Composer project that holds the RSVP System Module. This Drupal contributed module is installed by the RSVP System Recipe.

Provided by the RSVP System Module:

  • RSVP Department: A taxonomy used to categorize locations. This taxonomy allows for sorting and filtering of locations by department.

  • RSVP Location: A content type designed for managing detailed information about reservable locations.

  • RSVP Resource: A content type designed for managing detailed information about reservable resources.

  • RSVP Request: A content type used for submitting reservation details.

  • RSVP Log: A content type for logging all activities related to reservation requests. This includes recording outcomes like approvals, declines, and cancellations, serving as a historical record to maintain data integrity and provide insights into reservation trends and outcomes.

  • Feed Imports: Importers for RSVP Departments (Taxonomy), RSVP Locations (Content)